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Showfay-How are all kinds of jewelry priced?

Oct 28, 2022

From gold and silver, diamonds to jade and jadeite, different categories of jewelry have different pricing methods, and different quality patterns among the same categories have different effects on pricing. Today, I will tell you about several common pricing principles for jewelry in the market.

1、 4C Standard Pricing 4C Principles

(colour, carat weight, cut cut, clarity) are typical diamond rating criteria, and are usually the main reference indicators for diamond jewelry pricing. The color and clarity mainly depend on the quality of bare stone itself, while the cutting and specific jewelry weight are the standards of post processing and market demand. Therefore, on the whole, the final quotation of diamonds is determined on the basis of color, clarity, carat weight and cutting, with a certain brand profit rate and brand premium. The brand profit rate depends on the poor perception of the brand between consumers and brand side. And the comprehensive quotation of diamond clarity, color and carat weight. In addition, the price of diamonds is also affected by the demand and supply of the market. The rarer the diamonds are, the higher the demand is.

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2、 Diameter pricing

Diameter pricing is most commonly used for pearls. Most pearls are round and granular, which is suitable for classification by diameter. The larger the pearl diameter is, the more expensive the price is. There is a price difference of heaven and earth for every millimeter. "Seven cent pearl and eight cent treasure", the size of the general pearl is also based on its diameter. The pearl with a diameter greater than 7 mm is called a big pearl, while the pearl with a diameter of 8 mm and above is very rare and expensive.

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3、 Gold, silver and jewelry with international standard pricing are the most basic and most demanding jewelry category, and the market quotation is relatively simple. Gold is an international currency, and its price is unified internationally and is not controlled by capital. Therefore, the gold price is generally based on international standards, and the corresponding brand premium can be determined according to the different amounts of labor processing fees of the brand. The specific quotation is based on the weight conversion. Silver jewellery also fluctuates on the average of the market price curve, and is quoted by weight.

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4、 Multiple standard pricing "gold is valuable, jade is priceless". As a commodity that has lasted for thousands of years, the value of jade is far greater than its price. It is difficult to make a unified standard for jade pricing, and usually requires some experience to establish big data in your mind. However, as a commodity, there is still a certain quotation system that conforms to the market logic. "The layman looks at the price and the layman looks at the value". In the market, jade often adopts a comparative pricing strategy, that is, comparing with peers and the same category. In addition, jade is related to the place of production, size, color and other factors. For example, Hotan jade in China is a high-grade jade, which is expensive.

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